
Ekiga 4.0.1 Video conferencing app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Ekiga Abstract:

Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source SoftPhone, Video Conferencing and Instant Messenger application over the Internet. It is a free and open source sip comunication application that's well-designed and user friendly.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Carry out softphone, video conference - Screenshot of Ekiga
Carry out softphone, video conference.
Screenshot of Ekiga - 634px · 504px
Configuration wizard - Screenshot of Ekiga
Configuration wizard.
Screenshot of Ekiga - 281px · 514px
User-friendly layout - Screenshot of Ekiga
User-friendly layout.
Screenshot of Ekiga - 772px · 462px
Calling and instant messaging options - Screenshot of Ekiga
Calling and instant messaging options.
Screenshot of Ekiga - 560px · 411px
Address book, contact management and accounts - Screenshot of Ekiga
Address book, contact management and accounts.
Screenshot of Ekiga - 511px · 332px